Regularly updated higher resolution 20m burnt area mapping for regions of the NT are now available for download. Go to Data > Geotiff & Shapefile >2024 NT HiRes Fire scars.
There is an info link below that shows the extent of the regions for which HiRes mapping has been done. These and other regions of NT HiRes burnt area mapping are also available as Web Map Services in mapping programs like QGIS and ArcMap - listed as "High resolution mapping" in your WMS feed. The current Hi-Res mapping can now be quickly viewed using a check-box above the map. |
The Fire Spread tool for older hotspots has been restored with tighter limits to ensure it can cope with large hotspot numbers. Go to Track Fires > Check Fire Spread > hotspots (older). |
The NAFI Mobile App has been updated so that it can now be used by newer Andoid phones. Go to "Get Mobile App" link on the home page. |
The hi-res burnt area mapping for the Darwin region will have a later start this year, due to contractual delays with the client who pays for the mapping. We expect to have the mapping for the year to date up by late June or early July. |
Since mid-May the regular hotspot update that usually occurs around 10:30am local time has been delayed, usually by 1-2 hours. There are also less of these hotspots than normal. This is because the direct transmission of data from the late morning overpass Terra satellite has failed. The hotspot data now received comes from the US Goddard Space Flight Centre which receives all satellite data on every orbit - but after it has passed across Australia, which accounts for the delay. Not all hotspot data is able to be recovered in this way which accounts for the somewhat lower numbers of hotpots. It is hoped this fault on the satellite will be fixed by NASA, however Terra is an old satellite facing retirement and this may not be possible. |
The burnt area long-term (2000-2023) and 10-year (2014-2023) fire histories have been updated on the NAFI display and are available for download as images and shapefiles and as kml files for Google Earth viewing. The Infonet reports have also been updated with the latest fire histories. |
The SavBAT reporting tool has been updated with the 2023 fire history for the savanna burning methodology zones and is ready for 2023 reporting. Go to SavBAT. |
January 2024 burnt areas (fire scars) are now viewable and downloadable on NAFI. They will be displayed together with the 2023 burnt areas for the first few weeks of 2024. The Google Earth links for burnt area maps have also been updated to include the 2023 burnt areas for past fire scars by month and the 2024 burnt areas for past fire scars by year. Go to: Data > For Google Earth > Past year's fire scars. The 2023 burnt areas will complete final checking and correcting for reporting by mid February. The fire histories will then be updated. |
In the default Topo/Line background map settings the 1:1M scale topographic layer has been removed as some key map features are outdated. |
As usage and fire activity across the rangelands has reduced, NAFI now displays the last 7 days of hotpots by default. The fire spread animation tool for older hotspots is
being modified so it can work in a high usage environment. It will then be back in the menu. |
Due to the very high usage of NAFI during this fire season, we have made a few changes to maintain performance. The hotpots display on the maps are reduced to a two-day display,
and some of the tools that can generate large loads on the database have been temporarily disabled such as the lighning display and queries involving large number of older hotspots.
We are looking to restore these tools in forms that do not tax the rest of the site. |
You can now display hotspots that are updated every 10 minutes on NAFI. These are sourced from the Himawari 8 geostationary satellite, and are accurate to around 2 kms. They are likely to
only detect larger fires. To display the 10-minute hotspots select the "Hotspot Options" menu at the top right of the NAFI map display and choose from the drop-down menu. |
The 250m Fire Histories for 2000-22 and for 2013-22 have been updated on the NAFI display (under the "Fire History" tab) and are available for download
as images or shapefiles (under the "Data" tab). The Infonet reports have also been updated with the new fire histories. See the "Report" tab or go to the infonet site. The NAFI Google Earth links have alos been updated to include the updated fire histories and fire scars. Go to the "Data" tab and "For Google Earth" in the left hand menu. New one-click layers for 2022 by year and by month are available. Go to "For Google Earth" > "Past year's fire scars". |